PRESS KIT“…he doesn’t fit into any mould. He is a president to himself.” Filip Drábek (this author is a coworker of Pravda newspaper)
This is a MC from Bratislava with a “mysterious” identity. President supports Rap as a form of expression, where he doesn’t need to know musical notes or play an instrument and therefore he pays more attention to writing lyrics.
Plou’s first EP was Inaugurácia in 2013 produced by Bene from Modré Hory, followed by digital Prvé remixy, two vinyl records under ajlavmjuzik (Úrad, EPčoSAvoláEP) and digital Druhé remixy. The album Úrad became a collectible and was on the top of Radio Head Awards.
Later Ty Nikdy label released another mixtape Zmiešané pocity, where he made beats for all the songs by himself. Recently Idea, Prezident Lorajder and Matys have introduced a new project Dropbox. We should expect his new album soon.
During his live shows his homeboy Emil, who is also known from the projects Emonoizboyz or Daily Hazbits, joins him on the stage with MPC. This is the real hip hop!